Genealogy Synergy: Everyone should have a Nancy on their team
What happens when you find a Jane Doe's matches all trace to three tiny towns in Jalisco and Mexican records stop in 1930? You find a Nancy! G4J volunteer Nancy Gomez with [...]
What happens when you find a Jane Doe's matches all trace to three tiny towns in Jalisco and Mexican records stop in 1930? You find a Nancy! G4J volunteer Nancy Gomez with [...]
In addition to increased sharing of DNA access with law enforcement, making a dent in the cold case epidemic in this country requires public support for the critical funding required for DNA testing. Please help us help them. [...]
In addition to critical funding, making a dent in the cold case epidemic in this country requires increased public sharing of DNA profiles in the popular public genealogy database, GEDmatch. Please help us help them! #DNAOptIn [...]